In Germany, scarecrows were wooden and shaped to look like witches. Witch scarecrows were supposed to hasten the coming of spring. In medieval Britain, young boys and girls were used as live scarecrows or “bird scarers.” They would patrol the fields of crops and scare away birds by waving their arms or throwing stones. In…

September – Fall Season Begins

    The official first day of Fall is officially Thursday, September 22, 2022. This is only for the Northern Hemisphere, since the Southern Hemisphere experiences the reverse, and this equinox begins their Spring.    What Is the Fall Equinox? The fall equinox—also called the autumnal equinox—is the start of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. With…


AUGUST THE WOMEN EQUALITY MONTH Women’s Equality Day, celebrated every August 26, commemorates the passage of women’s suffrage in the U.S. and reminds us of the hurdles overcome by the heroic women who faced violence and discrimination to propel the women’s movement forward. In the early 19th century, American women, who generally couldn’t inherit property…


4TH OF JULY – INDEPENDENCE DAY     You may wonder, “Why do we celebrate the 4th of July? What does it mean?” Well, this day is incredibly significant in American history, as it marks the day the United States officially became its own nation. The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4th, 1776.…


  Camping is one of America’s favorite outdoor activities and National Camping Month is observed in June every year. Be it with friends, family, or even by yourself, camping is the perfect way to reconnect with nature and yourself. Camping is also a very popular summer activity that keeps young children engaged outside of school.…

Happy Mother’s Day

  Celebrations of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele, but the clearest modern precedent for Mother’s Day is the early Christian festival known as “Mothering Sunday.”   Mother’s Day Around the World While versions of Mother’s…

April Blog

Allergy season is among us!! Have you decluttered and gotten the dust out of your home? If not, now’s the time!! Call us today for a special on your home cleaning!     Baseball is back! Take the family out and support our local baseball team. The first home game of the season is April…

Hello March!

Spring is almost here! Time to start getting out and prepping for the nice weather. Here are some things to declutter your home, fun activities outside the home and some stay home activities.      6 Tips for Successful Spring Cleaning Clean Room by Room. Approaching your house room by room is the most effective…